          達賴喇嘛 Blame your own 藏人 self first 達賴喇嘛:漢人大量遷藏 藏文化岌岌可危 更新日期:2008/03/29 20:00 You need to know that "C.藏" is the territory of China, you so called 藏人 occupied China land like those stupid bad ugly 烤肉食材 evil KLA had done in Kosovo does not mean you can have the right to "據.Way.G.Yo"; "C.藏" is the territory of China, every Chinese citizen has the right to move that "Deed.Gwon.人.C" to get a bett 票貼er living space, if you think 藏人文化 better than 漢文化 , your own 藏人 cannot have the good will and strength "擇善固執", they must be all evil 藏人 remaining, must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. Chin 面膜a Communist needs to know that your nation's hope must rely on your good better best man and woman willing to do his/her best to keep your good tradition like Chinese said "擇善固執", therefore, China Communist must have the good will to en 賣屋courage all Mainland Chinese to have the free mind to write Chinese good tradition words instead of that stupid bad ugly evil simplified Chinese words that current Mainland Chinese fooled tooled to lost their good Chinese tradition strength to learn the good better best 新成屋 righteous way. Therefore, China Communist must do the duty to demand any Mainland Chinese wants to immegrite to "C.藏" must have had to show they can have the good will and strength to speak Mandarin correctly and write Chinese tradition words "1.B.1.What" orderly, to make sure every 吳哥窟漢人 moved into "C.藏" can have the good will and strength to help 藏人 do better instead of dragon down anyone of them there. Therefore, 達賴喇嘛 needs to do his duty to tell Western law makers to authorize free fire arms to every 藏人who's living in "C.藏" area, so that they can have the tool to do the 商務中心mercy killing to kill every 漢人who appearing in front of them to mad or scare them to death in the name of self-defense "Ten.Sheng.Ren.Chwon" human right, because 藏人has no way to have ears and eyes to know correct Mandarin and orderly Chinese good tradition writing, they can only rely on their natural sense to make self-defens 房屋買賣e, if that 漢人has enough good remaining to grow better, God must not allow that good remaining 漢人 to be killed, if that 漢人running out of good Chinese remaining, that 漢人 must be every race's enemy, becasue only good better best Chinese can have the good Chinese way to deal with their own evil remaining, and the rest of the races in the world has n 酒店打工o way to know how where those good Chinese remaining available for them to ask for help. Therefore, 藏人 must have had to kill those evil Chinese remaining the fastest way to do the "Tea.Ten.Sin.Dow" duty to help 藏人self to deserve God bless 藏人 good luck.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 建築設計  .

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